Ramakrishna Math Vivekananda Vedalaya
Silver Jubilee Celebration

You will be happy to know that Vivekananda Veda Vidyalaya has completed twenty-five years of its existence. To observe the occasion in a befitting manner we are going to organize a two-day program on 30th June and 1st July 2019.
The program on 30th June 2019 will be held at the Old Library Hall in the Belur Math premises. Most Revered President Maharaj, Srimat Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj, has kindly consented to preside over the function. Revered Vice-President Maharajjis also will grace the occasion by their august and holy presence.
On 1st July 2019, the Veda Vidyalaya students will present a cultural program at Vivekananda Sabhagriha, Saradapith. The programme will comprise Vedic Chanting, Sanskrit Hymns and Songs, Story telling and a drama (Shruti-Nataka).
Presence of Veda Vidyalaya’s all the monks, students, teachers, well-wishers and donors current as well as previous is sincerely solicited on both the days.
Below are some of the videos of the programme